Saturday, June 4, 2011


Afternoon y'all!
I'm in Paris, and have been since Thursday morning, but imagine I'm still in Melbourne and writing about this amazing trip I'm about to go on, starry eyed and shit..

Baggage is shit.
Living from a bag is also shit.
Air France is shit.
Qantas is not, for their relentless top ups on my glass of gin. There's something about gin and air travel, which has been well received by all other travellers I've shared this idea with.
Jet lag is shit.
There's shit all over the streets in Paris.
I'm shit.. at travelling.

Since I arrived in Paris much has happened, but I'll keep it concise seeing as some is boring.
I had my wallet lifted while drunk on Thursday night and for some reason ended up with only my credit card in my pocket, which is not a card I knew I had, so it was a bit of a shock finding a card with my name on it that I've never seen before.. I even went to a police station the next day to report it stolen and they wouldn't help me because they thought I was drunk.. which I wasn't. Jet lag is a hell of a drug, all the kids are doing it.

My wallet had my drivers license in it which means no driving around southern Rhone for me. I was bummed, but much happier when I realised this freed me up for 12 days in Amsterdam. Killer.
While I have been in Paris, and after I got over my wallet theft, I did mildly enjoy myself, which for all you avid fans of this being is something to raise half an eyebrow at.. I went to the Eiffel tower and refused to look in the direction of the tower, drank plenty of coffee, drank copious amounts of red wine, bought heaps of records at bargain basement prices, took photos of funny words and attempted to teach the French to shuffle. In all honesty, Paris was not what I expected. It seems to be a mecca of cultural importance not only to the French peoples but to anyone with an even slightly modest interest in history of art, food, wine and architecture; And I totally would have learnt about some of this had I not been off doing my best to be Frrrench to the French and taking advantage of the 5eu happy hour. And props to the following;

The cats from a bar around the corner who serve €5 long island ice tea from 5pm-9pm in a large cup and very little ice.
The dude wearing the t-shirt asking people to talk nerdy to him.
Nils & Clayton.
The comedy of Julian.
The flea market in which I found a Boney M LP, an original of Yeke Yeke, theme from Blade Runner, and The Jack That House Build
The Kiwis.
The girl who asked everyone in the club if they wanted to see her dick.
The dudes in the record shop.
My challis.
All bar staff who took pity on me during my Parisian ordeal.. yepp, I went there, it was an ordeal.

The epic vomit seen on several street corners.
My Frrrench t-shirt.
James and that other guy with a beard.

Catch y'all in Amsterdam.

1 comment:

  1. The Eiffel tower is a rusted ugly thing in person. Arc De Triomphe is my favourite Parisian monstrosity. Better, Older, Corsican Dwarf.

    Sucks about your wallet. Blame the Romanies.


