Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Now here's Bob with the weather..

It's well and truely summer in Sweden. I swear I bring the sun with me, last time I was here it was about the same. The last week has been 20-25° and sun from about 10 am through to sun down at 10 pm.

Gloating aside, I've been keeping busy. Last time we spoke I was considering working on the house in Yngsjö and planning to go to a filthy forest rave..

Over the previous weekend I worked on the house smashing and removing a concrete floor to make way for insulation and a new floor. Manual Labour Elliot got his work on, it's just a shame there was no Beer Wench Barbie to keep me hydrated. It took me a couple of days to finish the job, or rather, get to a point where it'd take another 30 minutes to finish. The battery in my mp3 player ran out so I bailed on that, fuck that shit fuck that shit =) Cutty's Rotary club held their annual presidential changeover party which I was lucky enough to get an invite to. Free booze, heaps of food, need I say more? Bailed early and ended up sleeping 12 hours for the first time in a very very long time. I haven't been sleeping much while I've been here, I think it's because I just don't need the energy. Life is Hard.

I've inked myself again as well. Very impressed with Johny's work, both with his art and the final result, plus the gang there is well friendly so now there's always a spot I can go and hang and talk shit, it's just a bit shit I've only got a few more days left in Kristianstad until the end of my ramble in August.

I'm off to a forest rave this weekend. Judging by the posts on FB it's poorly organised and there's been cancellations.. but fuck it. How often do you get to roll out into the forest and bash trance with a bunch of foreigners?? I guess this is generally how it is with these underground events, no one is getting paid so there's no 'real' motive to get the shit done properly. It must be like Wayne's World, if you book them they will come. There's still gonna be plenty of artists there, but if the sound system is rubbish I think I will have to bail home, Kristianstad days start this weekend so there'll always be an alternative=)

Off to the forest again next week except this time to the archipelago north of Gothenburg where I'll be working in the kitchen, hopefully some time off to go check Lisaberg and the world's biggest wooden roller-coaster, oh and the 3rd largest drop in the world, 3rd only to the 2 drops at Dream World on the Gold Coast. Maja gets home from Taiwan while I'm away, but she'll be at Sparreviken a few days later which will be very exciting!

Working on photos.. they'll come soon and on FB =)
